Isla Carroll Turner

Friendship Trust


for submission to

Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust


It is strongly advised that you read through the Guidelines thoroughly to avoid problems.   Each year the site and pages of instruction are updated to help you through the process by explaining the most often asked questions the prior year.  We do this to help in alleviating undo stress for you.  We encourage you to call our offices prior to completing the form and your submission, we would be happy to assist you through the process.  
Submission to Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust (hereinafter referred to as “the Trust”) is a simple process. Only complete proposals received between the time the current year’s form is made available (typically around August 1st of the prior year) and our deadline of January 31st by 5pm will be considered.  Notifications will also only go out to those who submitted complete proposals before the deadline.  If partial/incomplete proposals are submitted before or after the deadline we will not send notification of the meeting outcome.  Please note, if January 31st falls on Saturday or Sunday proposals will be accepted until the following Monday by noon.
Because our application form is a PDF, it is recommended that you use regular Google to access the form and complete it.  Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, the new Safari and the new Firefox have a security extension that is incompatible with online PDF forms and will cause issues.  Some applicants have had issues while using a Mac system versus a PC due to the difference in the operating systems and software differences.  
Only nonprofits with a 501(c)(3) recognition will be considered or governmental agencies that are to be treated as nonprofits will be considered.  All requests must be from organizations with offices based within the physical boundaries of the State of Texas.  The office/offices, programs/projects and all fiscal management must be restricted to within the boundaries of the State of Texas to be considered.  All funding received from the Trust is restricted for use to only benefit the elderly in Texas through direct services to those age 60 and above or those with Down Syndrome age 47 and above.  The funds may also be used for educational programming for the elderly in Texas, educating service providers for the elderly in Texas or scholarship funding in the field of Gerontology in the State of Texas.  Any questions, as to qualifications or regarding other issues should be posed to Mrs. Patricia Stilley, Executive Director at (713) 237-1117 extension 301 or e-mail
Please be aware, if your organization serves people of varying ages or even selectively those who are “elderly” but may be under the age we are considering, if you are approved for funding you will be required to complete an Affidavit simply acknowledging the agreement that all funding approved by the Trust would only be used to benefit those as agreed to within the conditions of the document. It is a requirement.  Should you decide not to sign the affidavit the grant will not be paid.  Also, the affidavit is not to be manipulated or rewritten inany way.On the required Application form the question asking for the name of the “Fiscal Manager” this should be the person responsible for signing the affidavit and thus receiving the check when funds are paid.  If approved for funding and the noted “Fiscal Manager” has changed (either the person has left, or their title has changed) please contact the office and speak with Patricia Stilley, she will reissue the affidavits.  Do not revise the documents.
The required application form must be completed on the computer and emailed to, do not mail the application through the post.  It will not be accepted if it is altered in any way or is mailed.  All other supporting documents found under the “Checklist” tab on the website will only be accepted via traditional post, hand delivered or overnight delivery to our offices by January31st at 5 pm. It is strongly recommended that requests be submitted early even in the fall before.   As a courtesy, if you submit your request early (at least a week or two prior to the deadline) we will review the documents and call should there be any questions, suggestions or to make you aware of any missing documents so that your proposal may be completed on time.  Typically, if submissions are sent early, even in the Fall prior to the deadline the only numbers that may need to be changed are the receipts since the time of submission (if by around the first of January you find your receipts have increased by at least 15% or more since the Fall submission) you may simply call the offices and Patricia Stilley will be happy to update your application form for you. She will then email a copy of the revised document to you for your records.
The most common questions on the form that are misunderstood are under “Organization Operating Budget”.  The first question requesting the total expenses for the year are all expenses with the exception of capital and endowment.  All administrative, fundraising and programming expenses should be included.  The second question requesting total payroll and related expenses for year should include all gross earnings for all  paid employees (full time, part time, hourly, salaried, contract workers and even interns receiving a stipend) along with fringe benefits and payroll taxes for the year including proposed employees for the year (soon to be hired).  Please be sure to include any and all benefits provided to all staff  such as; insurances, housing, vehicles, cell phones, free admission to services and any other benefits afforded employees (the dollar value must be included in the overall operating budget, payroll related expenses and under the “Three Highest Paid Employees” benefits.  If a funder is underwriting their earnings they should still be included and the funding received to cover their salary should be reflected under receivables/revenue.  Total receipts for the year should include all receipts up to the time of submission that the organization has received to include pledges.   If you are requesting funding for general operating support of the organization it is not necessary to complete the project/program budget area.  However, if you are requesting for a particular project or program we do require that all questions on the application form be completed including operating questions. 
Do not answer any question “SEE ATTACHED”.  Applications with “SEE ATTACHED” as answers will not be considered.  We ask that basic information be supplied on the application form.  The application form is the only part of your request that is seen and read by the Board of Trustees -- therefore it is critical that this information be supplied fully and correctly. 
Greater detailed descriptions of both your organization and any programs/projects for which you may be requesting funds may be sent in the form of a one to four (1-4) page letter with your supporting documents.  The list of required supporting documents may be found under the “Checklist” tab.  All supporting documents are also required to be received by our offices no later than January 31st by 5 pm.  Documentation that is required for submission must be received by the deadline including the online application form to be considered not postmarked but received.  Please be advised we do not accept late requests to the office, if you are overnighting documents and the delivery service does not make the delivery by the deadline we will not extend the deadline.  It is the responsibility of the charity to make sure all documents are received by the January 31st by 5 pm deadline for consideration.
Please note, you are welcome to call the offices and discuss any questions you may have regarding submission.  The office phone number is 713-237-1117 and you may speak with Jeannie Arnold, Executive Assistant at extension 302 or Patricia Stilley, Executive Director at extension 301 regarding any concerns you may have.    
 All supporting documents should be mailed to: 
Mrs. Patricia Stilley,
Executive Director
Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust
5850 San Felipe Street, Suite 125
Houston, TX  77057-3292

Once your application form is received you will receive a confirmation of receipt for the form only.  Please note, if you do not receive a confirmation of receipt of the application form or a telephone call from our offices within 1 or 2 business days please call and speak with Pat Stilley.   Confirmation emails are always sent following receipt of the completed application form.  To confirm receipt of the supporting documents please call the office and speak with Jeannie Arnold.